Sunday, February 24, 2013

Utah Roadtrip

One thing I wanted for my birthday was to go to a BYU football game.  We went to Utah over Veteran's day weekend.  Unfortunately it was FREEZING and snowy but we still had fun!  At the game we wore multiple layers and drank hot cocoa to stay warm.  Niel's sister Sonja and her husband came with us.
A few other things we did over the weekend...
We toured BYU campus for old times' sake.  Had lunch at Zupas.  Dinner at Crackle Barrel with Niel's family.
 Visited my sweet Grandma Davis and had lunch at her house.   
 And a birthday dinner at Michelle's house.  Niel's sister Stephanie made me an AMAZING home made banana split ice cream cake!  I wish I could have taken the leftovers home with me.


 I had an excellent 27th birthday.  Kensie went to playgroup in the morning while I went shopping.  A few of my friends planned a picnic at the park complete with cupcakes for lunch!  That evening Niel had a surprise dinner planned for me.  He took me to Mon Ami Gabi at the Paris hotel, which is one of our favorite restaurants.  Their flank steak is the best.  He even arranged for a babysitter himself!
 Afterwards we went to the Sugar Factory and indulged in some ice cream.  I got clothes, shoes, and money for my birthday as usual:)

Cheesecake and Dancing

To celebrate my 27th birthday we went to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory.  I announced to most of my friends I was pregnant that night! 
 Afterwards we went dancing at Zowie Bowie.  Mollie and Lindsay were the only troopers who stayed up late and went dancing with me.
 Fun night!  Love these gals.  

Meeting Mitt Romney

Towards the end of October Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and their team came to Las Vegas for one last rally before the election.  He had been to Las Vegas once or twice before but I wasn't able to make it.  I was determined not to miss it again!  We drove to Henderson which is about 45 minutes from where we live.  When we arrived the traffic and parking was insane.  We had to walk about half a mile just to get into the pavilion and we waited in line for over an hour and a half.  I didn't think we were going to make it because there were so many people there. Luckily, Paul Ryan's plane was late arriving so the rally started late.  When we finally made it through security and into the pavilion everything but the grassy hill behind the amphitheater was full.  I was pretty disappointed we were going to be so far away.  Before we found a spot on the grass I wanted to get a peak of the stage.  I pushed my way through the crowds and made it down into the stadium seating area.  Once we were down there, we realized people were sitting on the stairs between the isles.  We figured those seats were better than the grass so we sat down.  Being pregnant, of course I had needed to use the restroom since we first arrived.  I asked security where the closest restroom was and whether or not I had time before they came out on stage.  After answering my question he told me and the others around me there were seats up front available.  I bolted for the front but by the time we made it the seats had already filled up.  Moments later though another security guard told us to follow him.  I wasn't sure where he was taking us or if he was even talking to us.  He took us to the side of the stage and we waited a few minutes.  Little did I know we were waiting for them to unlock the gate that took us behind the wing and into the very FRONT row.  I couldn't believe what was happening as they ushered us into the front row!  The only people in front of us were the reporters!  Once we were seated some of the reporters started taking our pictures.  Then the rally started!  The patriotism and energy in the stadium was amazing.  Even Kensie was really excited and starting clapping and saying, "Yay!  Go Mitt Romney!"  First Paul Ryan took the stage followed by Mitt Romney.  
Right after we got our seats in the front row!  SO excited!!!
Ashley and her girls were sitting next to us.

Following the rally, Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney both walked along the front row and shook everyone's hand.  We were able to meet both of them.  He took both of Kensie's hands in his and told her what a cute girl she was.  Meanwhile, Clara started taking her clothes off right before Mitt Romney made it our way.  Ashlee was mortified but Mitt Romney made a comment something like, "Oh I have lots of grandkids and I know they do things like that!"  
It was such a cool experience.  We were pretty disappointed when he didn't win the election.  He would have made a great President.  Either way, he is a good man and politician who fought a good fight in the election.