Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Two Months

Yet again, one month behind schedule...don't judge.

Two month stats:

21 1/2 inches long (10-25th percentile)
10 lbs. 9 oz. (25-50th percentile)
37 1/2 inches head circumference (10-25th percentile)

She started smiling and cooing more often
She developed a double chin and chubbier cheeks
Her eyes appear to be turning blue
Her hair is wavy!
She is cooperative with wearing bows now:)
Around seven weeks she got over the colic stage. HOORAY!!!
She loves to be held...ALL the time
She wore newborn clothes until seven weeks
She LOVES bathsPhotobucket
At her two month doctor appointment, my doctor scolded me (in a nice way). He told me my baby is parenting me and that I need to start parenting my baby. He told me I need to let her cry more and let her cry herself to sleep.

During and right after her shots she cried really hard. She wanted to be held all afternoon and would do little whimpers that were actually pretty adorable. She slept great the rest the day and was more mellow than usual. Overall the two month shots went a lot better than I thought they would.


Annie. said...

Over the colic already - that was so quick, hooray! What a relief. Darci, she is one of the cutest baby girls I have ever seen. I know I've said that a million times but it's true. Beautiful girl!

The Bailly Buzz said...

Isn't it normal for your first to get to do the parenting?! My little sister is going through the same thing and I keep telling her, you have to let your baby cry. Obviously way easier said than done. I'm might be changing my tune when I have my own :)