Sunday, March 17, 2013


Finally blogging about our baby BOY who is on the way!  At my twelve week appointment the ultrasound tech told me it looked like a boy.  Then it was confirmed on my 14 & 18 week appointment.  I waited until the 18 week appointment to buy my first purchase:
Did I want a girl or a boy?  Well, I knew I wanted at least one boy.  So the thought of having a boy next was appealing.  Then I wouldn't have to worry about trying for a boy!  And just in case we decided to stop at two kids, we would have one boy and one girl.  So yes, I was hoping for a boy.  Which was why it was weird when I reacted the way I did.  I wasn't very excited and I got kinda freaked out about having a boy.  The thought of having a wild, rambunctious, boy scared me.  And when I went to pick out boy clothes nothing looked cute.  I kept seeing adorable baby girl clothes and ugly boy clothes.  Eventually I got over this stage and now I'm really excited about having a boy.  Just crossing my fingers he isn't as rambunctious as Niel and his brother were (my in-laws continually tell me how wild Niel was as a little boy, yikes!).  Baby appears to be healthy and doing well!
14 & 17 Weeks


Elder Lynn Child said...

Imagine how my mother felt with six boys, and only one girl! You'll be a great mother to boys or girls!

KB said...

Looking good! I had all those same thoughts and freak outs about the pros and cons of 2nd being a boy :)

Mandy Summers said...

I was a little worried at first too. I grew up with sisters! (ok, one brother). And girl clothes are way cuter, but rambunctious Logan is a blast! He can wear me out, but then he's so smiley and fun, it's all worth it!