Friday, February 18, 2011

Blogging on a Friday Night

Why the heck would anyone blog on a Friday night?

I'll tell you why...because the baby is asleep and the husband is out of town...

And has been since Tuesday Afternoon.

I only tell you this now because he is coming home tonight...(I wouldn't want any physco people knowing I was home alone). Kensie and I were supposed to go with him to San Diego but we both got sick so we stayed home. bleh.

So what have I been doing all week? Since the original plan was to be on vacation this week, I decided to take a vacation at home. No cooking, cleaning, or errands. I mean, none of that would have gotten done if we had gone to San Diego right? Plus, I am sick and in need of rest:)

This sums up my week:

TV dinners, Blogging, & Taking care of baby. (I may have thrown in a little shopping. Don't tell Niel.)

Too bad we were sick, otherwise Kensie and I could have really raised havoc around here.

1 comment:

Jessica @ Wanting Adventure said...

A vacation at home sounds lovely. I wish I could have one of those!