Wednesday, October 7, 2009

House wife

I've had several people ask me what I'm doing now that we are in Vegas. Well, besides blogging up a storm with my extra time I'm not doing a whole lot. Just kidding that isn't entirely true. The first week we moved here I kept myself busy unpacking, changing addresses, registering our cars, etc. On Friday, I starting my job search. It has only been a few days and I am already slightly discouraged for a few reasons: 1) The unemployment rate is really high in Las Vegas 2) Pay is substantially lower here than it is in CA 3) Most jobs that I am interested in require 3-5 years experience 5) Of the slim selection of job openings, a majority of them request bilingual applicants only

It is frustrating knowing that I have a business degree from an accredited business school and yet someone who speaks spanish or someone who doesn't have a degree but 3-5 yrs. of work experience would be selected instead of me.

Anyways, I am tempted to just go get a fun job somewhere like Bath & Body Works. But at the same time I would really like to be making just as much or more money than what I made in California. I especially feel discouraged when I hear these stories, "It took me a year to find a job here"...."I was a top executive making 60K and after six months of unemployment I took a job for 30K gladly"

Bath and Body Works is starting to sound really good... OR maybe I should brush up on my dancing skills and head down to the strip? I mean, I do have 15 years of dancing experience. That might be my best bet...{just kidding, Mom}


Abby said...

Oh gosh, looking for a job can be the most discouraging thing ever! But it's that way for everyone so don't worry if you get frustrated; it's not just you. Let me know if you need someone to vent to because I was in your shoes a year ago.

On a brighter note, your apartment building sounds awesome. Maybe you should just lounge at the pool all day?!

Beth said...

hey Darci,
Glad to hear you two have settled in. Your apt sounds like a nice place. Job searching is frustrating. I remember that when I tried to find one when we lived in OR. The right thing will come along...but maybe in the mean time, a bath and body works does sound fun! It's something, right? Plus it probably includes discounts :)

bjchild said...

you should start your own business and resurrect the cup cake crayons.

Jessica @ Wanting Adventure said...

The part-time retail thing might be a good way to get you out of the house and introduce you to some more people in a new town.

I think the idea of having someone work part-time and have the ability to be at the home when the need arises is a good one. When the repair guy comes, I just have to make sure Hubs doesn't have class. It's quite nice!

Veronica Peterson said...

Good luck with job hunting. Thats a lot of work!

KB said...

You know what my votes in for...althou the dancing idea...I mean you were amazing in Club Style...

The Bailly Buzz said...

I feel your pain. It is not exciting looking for a job right now, but at least you can have lots of free time to do other fun stuff. David is always telling me to enjoy my time off work. So, I'm attempting to do just that. Good luck with the job hunt!