Monday, October 25, 2010


Kensie meets the binky.

I decided before Kensie was born for various reasons that I wouldn't give her a pacifier until she was at least a month or two old. I even had the nurses put a sign on her little box in the hospital that read, "no pacifiers." Then my sister came into town, who is an experienced mother of four children. She helped me realize that I couldn't be the human binky. So, we busted out the binky and Kensie liked it! Sometimes she hates it and won't take it but other times she loves it. Talk about a lifesaver. Glad my sister talked some sense into me.



Jessica @ Wanting Adventure said...

Can I ask why you were insistent on not giving her a pacifier? I'm nowhere near ready to be a mom, but I'm just curious. :)

Lindsey Cortes said...

Yeah for Binkies! Your lucky the hospital would let you even use one. I got looked at like I was evil when I wanted to give Sophie one. They seriously said "really? Are you sure? Its not good to give them one until they are at least several weeks old." My response...Well there is no way in heck I'm waiting that long. Sophie doesn't use one too often but honestly there is no reason to be a human binky. Don't ever let anyone make you feel bad about that.

lannie_rae said...

It is funny how we have these ideals before and then when it comes down to it we realize it is not that big of a deal. Ced never took a pacifier but Lila did after a week or so. Ced loved to eat but if Lila gets milk when she is not hungry but still wants to suck she gets mad. I wish I got mad when I ate and wasn't hungry then I would have so much baby weight to lose still :)

Adam and Brittany said...

Kensie kind of looks like Neil to me in these pictures.