Sunday, September 20, 2009


This past week we had an opportunity to take a short, last-minute trip to Oregon Wednesday through Friday. I will discuss the details of the trip later, but for now we will just say it was a 'business' trip. We flew into Portland but stayed in Salem. Salem and Portland are both really pretty and very green.

This is a town home downtown Portland adjacent to 23rd street that I wouldn't mind living in at all.
Willamette river in Salem. We took a stroll down riverfront park.

This is the park area in front of the state Capitol building

State Capitol building

More pictures and information about our trip to come!


Beth said...

Sounds like fun! Looking forward to hearing about the details.

Camille said...

You were there when it was sunny! That should have sold you in an instant! Looks like a gorgeous day. :)

The Bailly Buzz said...

I love that you want to live in NW Portland near 23rd and the Pearl District. You have some expensive taste! David and I love it over there too and if David made half a million a year, maybe we would move over that way.