Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Baby Bargains

The first time I stepped foot into Babies R Us I was completely overwhelmed. Have you ever been in that store? It is ginormous and has thousands of items "needed" for your baby. I knew that babies were expensive and that there were lots of things to buy but I was rudely awakened after reading baby cost estimates and baby product checklists. A rough estimate of baby's first year is about $6,000 assuming you breast feed, don't use child care and not including labor and delivery costs according to There were things on the baby product checklist I hadn't ever heard of!

I didn't even know where to start. What items are a waste of money? Which brand is best? Is it better to pay more and get the name brand or or get the most affordable item? Being completely overwhelmed by all of the products I needed to pick out, my sister suggested this book to me: Baby Bargains by Denis & Alan Fields
This book has been a total life saver. It has complete product reviews, safety reviews, and product comparison charts. It discusses which products you really need and which ones you can do without. When spending more money on a brand name makes a difference and when it doesn't matter. Estimates are provided for how many diapers, wipes, onesies, bibs, etc. you will need. Everything from maternity clothing to baby gear to nursing necessities-it is covered. It is very well organized and one can look up specific topics quickly. I even take it with me whenever I go baby shopping and look up product reviews.

I have spent hours and hours reading and referring to this book and it has definitely been worth the $15. I've saved hundreds of dollars and avoided purchasing unnecessary products. In addition, I feel confident about all of my purchases.

If you are pregnant, have a baby, or are thinking about having a baby, you should buy this book. It is worth every penny.

1 comment:

Annie. said...

I so wish I had known about this before Eli was born! Genius. I may turn back to it for a reference someday with baby #2 though.