Monday, January 3, 2011


Over Thanksgiving weekend we took Kensie to see Santa at the Town Square mall because I heard they had a pretty legitimate santa. I'm almost positive it was the real Mr. and Mrs. Clause because the photos were quite spendy. It was $23 for a 5x7 and two smaller photos that were horrible quality. I figured that was the going rate for Santa pictures. Turns out the new and naive parents got robbed. We won't be fooled again. We're going to Bass Pro Shop next year where I hear the Santa photos are free.

Kensie was so intrigued by all of the lights I don't think she even noticed the big, hairy, man holding her. She had the deer in the headlights look the whole time.
In front of Mr. and Mrs. Clause's house.
This is only the beginning of many more Santa trips in the years to come!

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