Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Family Photo

We finally got a family picture that is somewhat decent. We have a grand total of four pictures of our family since Kensie was born.

1)The first one was taken right after Kensie was born and I look like a cow. Seriously. No one will ever be allowed to see that picture.

2)The second family picture was taken as we were leaving the hospital and I also look like an oompa loompa. I'm tempted to delete it permanently from iPhoto so that I won't ever be reminded of how I looked in that state.

3)The third family picture is when we took Kensie to see Santa posted here where Niel and I look like high school kids who had a child together.

4) The fourth one is here where Kensie is crying

My brother in law took our picture after church at Christmas time. He took about fifteen different pictures but Niel was doing his schoolboy, cheesy smile in all but two of them. And of course in the ones where Kensie and I looked the best. I really should post some of his cheesy smile pictures in retaliation (I'm pretty sure he does it on purpose) but I'm feeling nice today so I'll let him off the hook this time.Photobucket
So here we are...The new Schurig family of three.


Adam and Brittany said...

I am trying to be better about asking people to take pictures of our family or even just Crew and I.

Your picture is darling. I love Kensie's red dress.

Mike & Rachel Barton said...

Cuuute :) Okay, but in this picture Kensie is all Niel. I don't see any of you in her. ha ha.

Your comment on one of my posts was that Max looks so much like me, and that he's so cute. That means you think I'm cute! haaaa

Jessica @ Wanting Adventure said...

You all look adorable! Great family photo. :)

Paige said...

Hey when I come I'll bring my camera and we can give it a shot- this is a cute one thought!

Mike & Rachel Barton said...

The chair is from ikea and the cover is removable to wash. I haven't washed it yet and we've had it a year. It's in the den which never gets used, that's how I keep it clean :)