Sunday, November 22, 2009


I turned 24 a couple of weeks ago. My birthday was pretty low key, but still a good one. Saturday night we went to dinner at BJ's and I got a free birthday pazooki. Then we watched 'Confessions of a Shopoholic' because I love that movie. Sunday Niel cooked all day. He made me a yummy breakfast of scrambled eggs and chocolate chip pancakes. Niel is a way better cook than I am so I thoroughly enjoy it when he cooks. Our friends Marleen and Spencer and their girls came over for cake and ice cream. Later Steve and Kristin came over.
The lady who took our picture said to us afterwards, "I will take pictures of you two anytime-clothing optional!" Crazy Vegas people.


Meg said...

Happy Birthday! And the quote from the lady who took your picture--pretty funny. :)

Jessica @ Wanting Adventure said...

Let me say, that's great that your husband lets you take pictures! Mine has a thing against having his picture taken, and refuses to do so!

Whit said...

Haha! That's so funny! Happy Birthday!

Mike & Rachel Barton said...

The lady must know that you're now in the hot, hot, hot, hot (?) club.. crazy lady. Who says that? And she was probably serious.

Anonymous said...

soo....the lady comment....did she mean clothing optional for you guys or her?..........LMAO, creepy! lol