Sunday, September 28, 2008

Busy Bee

This week was a really busy week. I had something every night after work. I leave my house every morning at 8a.m. (sometimes earlier) and get home around 6:15 (that's if I don't work OT). I went straight from work to most of my activities during the week. This is what I did during the week after work:

Monday: FHE & Hip-hop class
Tuesday: Young Women's
Wednesday: Company meeting (free food!)
Thursday: Enrichment
Friday: Ward Camp out
Saturday: Ward Camp out cont., cleaning, and relief society dinner and broadcast.

When I got home Saturday night I fell asleep fully clothed on the bed around 9 p.m....and I didn't wake up until the following morning until 8:30 a.m. I guess my busy week caught up with me. Luckily next week wont be quite as busy.

1 comment:

Annie. said...

Holy smokes! You really DO sound busy. Glad you got the rest you needed!