Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hair cut

I went a little shorter again. Victoria beckham wannabe tamed down. I wanted more of an angle this time. I think he did a pretty good job (no he didn't miss a spot in the back...I did a crappy job of curling my hair under there). Yes, my hair dresser is a male. His name is Shane and he is one of the 5-10% of male hair dressers who isn't gay. I am the type of person who always went to Supercuts with a coupon in hand to get the cheapest hair cut possible. Since I cut my hair shorter things have changed unfortunately. He charges a pretty penny to cut my hair. But he always does a really good job and he keeps me coming back. Right after forking out the cash after each hair cut I tell myself I am going somewhere different the next time to save money. But then when I get home, style my hair and realize what an awesome job he does I have no choice but to go back.

Anyways I really liked my hair cut, but Mr. Schurig didn't. He said it was too short. It is the shortest I think my hair has ever been but it is fun to have an actual hair style now. Fun to do something different too...besides hair always grows back!


Beth said...

Cute hair Darci! I can't believe it's short! But I do like it. I'm the same way now with hair too. Used to go to great clips for a cheap cut..but now I spend some money to get it done right

Paige said...

Very very cute! Jared's the same about short hair too- I just remind him its temporary.
Awesome you got to go to the BYU game too! That is so fun