Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Still leading the pack...

Mollie and I are still going strong as the Webelos Cub Scout leaders. So far this summer we hiked Red Rock, swam, played basketball, hiked Lone Mountain, made dinner over a campfire, went to cub scout day camp, and and much more.
These are some of our cub scouts on our hike to Red Rock

Today we played badminton. 31 weeks pregnant playing badminton with ten year-old boys in 106 degree weather. Impressed? Ok, so maybe I didn't exactly play but I kept score while Mollie played with them. Tell me we aren't the best leaders ever.


Annie. said...

Hahaha! I just loooove that you are a Webelo leader, it is so funny! I think I'd laugh pretty hard if I got called, too.

Mollie said...

We so are! Best ever. Never to be topped.

Mike & Rachel Barton said...

Okay, so you're a way better scout leader than I ever was. I was the leader for the bears and wolfs. All we ever did was meet at the church and work through the book and play games. Hiking? yeah right.. maybe because there aren't any mountains here.