Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Whole Clan

After staying two nights in Leavenworth, we headed back to my parents house for a family photo. I'll be honest...I was a little worried about the family photo shoot considering there are twelve grandchildren under the age of ten. Last time we attempted a family photo (my wedding) there were babies screaming, children trying to run away, etc. We were amazed that all of the grandchildren cooperated for the most part. The edited photoshop version is still in process...here is the original.
Jericho: Are you yawning?
Paul: I love that you are doing the 'Stanley' face
Brannen: Did you miss the memo about this being the silly picture?

As soon as we finished the family photo, Niel and I had to say our goodbyes and catch our plane back to Las Vegas. It was a wonderful Christmas vacation. Thanks for making it such a fun and memorable Christmas Mom & Dad!


Lynn said...

Please note the older,graying, distinguished looking couple in the center...hmmm pretty sexy!

bjchild said...

Actually, it's the other way around Darci. I'm the only one that understood instructions from Mom that there was to be no silly picture. Don't you remember? Can't you read Mom's face? She's not happy about the silly faces. I was just following her wishes. Come on!

bjchild said...

Dad, I'm embarassed that you used the word sexy. I don't think that's allowed on this family blog. There may be children reading....let's keep it clean now.