Sunday, April 26, 2009

A home on the range?

Monday we received an exciting call from a recruiter telling Niel that Doctor Adams (the doctor Niel had a phone interview with last week) wanted to fly both Niel and I to Pendleton, Oregon for an interview. Dr. Adams owns a private practice and is looking for a PA who would buy into the practice and become his partner. We were both very excited! Pendleton is only an hour from where my sister lives, and about 2 1/2 from where my parents and brother live. A job close to my family AND an opportunity to be Dr. Adam's partner of the practice! The thought of getting a free flight and weekend getaway sounded great, especially since we would probably get to see our family.

Even though it was VERY exciting and flattering to be offered a first interview we decided to turn the opportunity down. Pendleton, Oregon is a small town (12, 000 people) known for its famous rodeo. The closest mall is an hour away and I am pretty sure there isn't even a Target there. Don't get me wrong, I grew up in a town smaller than Pendleton. Quincy's population was 5,000, had two stoplights, and didn't get a McDonald's until I was in Jr. High School. I have grown up in a small and I know what it is like. I loved growing up in Quincy but would not choose to go back and settle there. Niel and I both agree that we would like to live in a bigger city or a suburb of a big city. It is so nice to be able to drive 5-10 minutes to get to Costco, Target, the mall, the movie theatre, major restaurant chains, etc. I love having everything so close and accessible. We decided that Pendelton, OR wasn't the life style suited for us and told the recruiter we wouldn't be coming.

Maybe we should have taken the interview, maybe we might regret it. Hopefully we won't regret it though, hopefully there is something bigger and better out there for the Schurigs:)


Unknown said...

Take it from me, once you soak in the California life it's hard to want to leave it. At least it was for me, but maybe it's just hard for locals to leave it. Good luck!

Paige said...

Btw, I'll be callng you back soon to put out the fires... ha ha
Anyway, I think it was a good move to say no thanks. You have to be able to live the way you'd like especially for the long haul. I'm sure you guys will have plenty more offers!!

Camille said...

Darci I almost got SOOO excited!!! That was the worst decision you have ever made, and I will never forgive you. You'll only make it up to me if you decide to move to Wenatchee. Okay, maybe that's a little harsh, but please?

Meg said...

Hey Darci, it's Megan (from Freshman year-Hinckley Hall). I found your blog through Abby's. Every summer when I'd come home from college we'd drive through Pendleton, Oregon (I'm from Redmond, WA). Anyways, good call. :) I'm pretty sure there isn't a Target there.