Here are some things that have been going on in our life over the last week...
*Niel purchased tetris for his I-phone. This is his new hobby. He set a new record today of 108 lines.
*Went to see 'Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince' with Niel's cousin Sheryl and our friend Amber.
*I got my second pedicure of my lifetime...I shouldn't have ever got a first one. My life was just fine without them before I knew what they were like.
*Had my appointment with my rheumatologist. My X-rays somehow improved from my last X-rays so I can't complain.
*Went to Barnes and Noble on Friday night and picked out a new book by Sophie Kinsella.
*Frozen yogurt at Nubi's. Delicious. I got the raspberry pomegranate with fresh raspberries mixed in.
*I got stuck in traffic on my way home from work on Friday night...nothing like a record breaking two hour ride home in 100 degree weather.
*Got a haircut. Kept it the same...decided against bangs and growing it out.
*I have been anxiously awaiting the bachelorette finale. If Kiptyn is the next bachelor, the show will get ten times awesomer...if that is even possible. Yes, I am a huge bachelorette fan. I figured it was time for me to come out of the closet.
*Niel is studying for boards. I am trying not to bug him while he attempts studying.
I agree with the Kiptyn comment!!!
Yes, I'm pulling for Kiptyn too. That's all I'll say about that..
Getting stuck in traffic reminds me of my days in San Jose in traffic jams driving my beater Honda with AC that didn't work. Not fun.
Glad to hear your arthritis is improving. I promise you, start riding your bike more and that will help a bunch too!
Make that 113 lines.
I didn't know you had arthritis! I am glad it is getting better too though. That is good news.
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