Sunday, August 30, 2009


Our anniversary was very low key considering it was on a week day and Niel is studying for boards. When I got home from work, Niel surprised me with this beautiful bouquet of flowers. He first claimed he made it...but then he admitted to just picking out the flowers with his florist Betty. I loved it. I think it is one of my favorite arrangements he has bought for me. I made Niel a home-made gift, but I am embarrassed to admit what I made him on my public blog.
We went to a restaurant called Romano's, which is downtown Redlands. The food was amazing and we loved the atmosphere. It is a quaint and charming Italian restaurant in an old, historic building that has been renovated. They had romantic music playing and fresh cut flowers on the table. It was a simple, but nice anniversary.


Abby said...

Niel has a florist? Fancy. Come on...admit what you made him!! :)

Sue said...

hahaha I love the fact that Niel has a florist.

Veronica Peterson said...

Flowers and dinner that's a perfect celebration. Congrats on your 3rd year.