Friday, May 29, 2009


One thing I really miss about living in Utah is spending time with the great friends I have there. Eventually everyone will probably move out of Utah, but I still have quite a few friends who are living there. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to visit all of my friends during my short visit but I did get to see a few of them.
Little Whit is back from her mission! She served on the temple square mission and loved it. After the wedding on Thursday we had another get together at Baskin Robins and Whitney came with us. I hadn't seen her for almost two years and it was great to see her! One of our first adventures together was our midnight hike to the hot-pots and hot tubbing in the hot springs with a bunch of people. After Freshman year, we were roommates at Liberty Square. Fall semester of sophomore year was the funnest semester of college. Whitney and I spent a lot of time together that semester, during which we went to the best party ever 'Shazaam'. There was a concert and a big dance following where Whitney crowd surfed for her first time (something she had always aspired to do). It was a great sight to see-her 4'11" body bouncing around as people threw her in the air. Some other good times included our camping trips and concerts at Velour Music. On Thursday morning I went with Amy to see the new house they are building! We met Amy and her husband Jim right after we got married in our BYU married ward. They were married about a week before us! Jim and Niel played basketball on Tuesday nights while Amy and I would go shopping, go the to gym, or just hang out. I was able to meet their little baby Jamison, who was born in January this year!

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